Shelley Zalis on the Rosenzweig Report

Diversity and equality are essential to a company’s success. Research has shown that companies with a diverse workforce are 35% more likely to experience greater financial returns than their non-diverse counterparts, and 70% more likely to capture new markets and a bigger audience. Companies that embrace diversity tend to be 1.7 times more innovative. When it comes to who is leading the company, women in leadership positions have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line, as research finds that 87% of the top Fortune 500 companies led by a female CEO last year reported above average profits, compared to 78% of companies without a female CEO. Along with partners like Jay Rosenzweig, we continue to work on closing the gaps and changing the diversity equation to create a more equitable workplace.

Shelley Zalis, CEO & Founder of The Female Quotient, is an Internationally Renowned Entrepreneur & Speaker, Movement Maker, & Champion of Gender Equality