Shannon Snow on the Rosenzweig Report

At World of Women, our mission is to build an inclusive future - starting with ensuring that representation and equity are part of the foundations of web3. Pushing forward the next generation of the web won’t happen overnight, and there are many challenges to overcome. However, innovations like NFTs (Non-fungible tokens, also commonly called blockchain-based tokens that each represent a unique asset like a piece of art, digital content, or media) offer opportunity to reshape the world in the image of fairness and equality. Almost 1,000 years ago, the great philosopher Maimonides said that we anticipate charity by preventing poverty. Web3 can and will lift us all up and be a great social and economic equalizer. Imagine a future where impoverished women in Africa can sell their art and other products as easily as auctioneers at the great houses in London, New York, and Beijing. Maimonides could never have envisioned this new technology, but it is our responsibility to anticipate charity by using it to reduce poverty around the world.

For two decades, Jay Rosenzweig has fought for gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Change has been slow in the real world, but I believe web3 can help speed things up. We need to all work together to achieve, as Jay put it, the dream of a time when there will be only be ‘business leaders’, not ‘women leaders’, ‘African- American leaders’, or ‘Asian leaders’. Let us hope this is fast approaching, in part, thanks to Web3.

Shannon Snow, Chief Operating Officer, WoW (Art Highlighted in this Year’s Report). World of Women is the World’s Largest Mission-Driven NFT Organization, Championing Representation, Equity & Inclusion for all. She Believes Together the WoW Community can have a Positive Impact on not only the NFT Space, but also the World