Mona Malone on the Rosenzweig Report

BMO works boldly to champion initiatives, build community partnerships and drive innovation that accelerates sustainable progress for women. The BMO for Women program, which was established in 2016, is focused on gender parity for our clients, supporting the growth of women-owned businesses and empowering women to feel confident about their finances and their financial futures. BMO’s Zero Barriers to Inclusion 2025 strategy includes diversity goals for senior leader and executive roles, which includes maintaining leadership in gender equity with at least 40 per cent of senior leader roles filled by employees who identify as women. We know the impact of this work grows exponentially by aligning with leaders who are focused on bold outcomes and who share our sense of urgency. The Rosenzweig Report plays a role in that regard, because it tells us how far we have come, while also reminding us of how much further we have to go. Since 1997 Jay Rosenzweig has been a partner and advocate with us advancing inclusion. I’m thankful to have visionary allies like Jay.

Mona Malone, Chief HR Officer & Head People & Culture, BMO Financial Group