Lee Moser on the Rosenzweig Report

We launched a program for women called ‘Wonder Founder’ because of every 50 applications for funding, only one or two were coming from firms founded by women. We want to raise awareness and tell women entrepreneurs that even if they’re not ready for outside investors, we want more women to come and work with us. Since our founding in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, we’ve raised more than $70 million in seed money. We want to spread this around to as many smart and capable women entrepreneurs as possible. I also want my industry to look in the mirror. The world over, only about 5% of venture capitalists are women and yet a recent study in the Harvard Business Review found VC firms that increased the number of female partners also increased returns and profitable exits. The same applies in most industries: More women voices; higher profits. Jay Rosenzweig, a valued member of our advisory board, has been saying the same thing for 18 years in his annual report tracking the number of women in the highest positions at the largest corporations. Keep up the good work, Jay!

Lee Moser, Founder & Managing Partner of Tel Aviv-based Venture Capital Fund AnD Ventures