Emmanuel Jal on the Rosenzweig Report

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Purpose driven leaders are what drive change, they surrender themselves to causes that are greater than them and give without expecting anything in return. Jay is one of those leaders, using all of his skills, time, energy and resource to drive a positive change in our planet. He understands that societies thrive better, and enjoy peace and prosperity when women step up in leadership, and that is the purpose of the Rosenzweig Report. Women are great leaders across all the fields, and those who do not step up to encourage women to lead must be held to account. Women get the work done. Any society that suppresses women will not ultimately progress.

We live in a world where time is money but when it comes to Jay, time is more valuable than money and he creates time to make everyone feel valid and important. That is how he is able to rally so many disparate voices together for the cause of justice and equality. He knows that relationships, family, friends and colleagues are worth more than dollars. Jay will create time to give you a voice and listen to you without judgement, thus creating a positive foundation to create positive and lasting change for the rights of women and girls globally, for humanity and our planet.

Emmanuel Jal, Former Child Soldier, International Recording Artist, Activist & Philanthropist